Optimization of Wheat-Sorghum Composite Flour for the Production and Enhanced Storability of Leavened Flat Bread Naan

T Mahendran* and G Hariharan

1Department of Agricultural Chemistry, Faculty of Agriculture, Eastern University, Sri Lanka
2Department of Biosystems Technology, Faculty of Technology, Eastern University, Sri Lanka


The use of wheat composite flour for commercial production and consumption of leavened flat bread Naan are not yet popularized in Sri Lanka. The present study assessed the effect of optimization of composite flour on the quality of Naan by mixing wheat and sorghum flour at different ratios. Sorghum flours were used 0, 10, 20, 30, 40 and 50% by weight to replace the wheat flour in the Naan. The formulated Naan were assessed for physico chemical and organoleptic qualities. The moisture, protein, fiber, minerals, loaf weight and loaf volume of the developed Naan were evaluated. The highest moisture content (11.13%) was recorded in the Naan made with 100% wheat flour whereas 50% incorporation resulted in decreased moisture content of 8.11%. The fiber content increased from 4.78 to 6.04% with the increment of sorghum flour substitution from 0 to 50%. The highest mineral content of 2.91% was recorded from 50% sorghum flour contained Naan. The highest Naan bread volume of 233cm3 obtained from 100% wheat flour, while the mixture containing 50% sorghum flour resulted in the lower volume of 187cm3. As revealed by the sensory evaluation, Naan supplemented with 40% sorghum flour was well acceptable in terms of colour, taste, texture, aroma and overall acceptability. The mixture of 40% sorghum flour and 60% wheat flour was found to be successful for the production of leavened bread Naan with improved physico-chemical and organoleptic qualities within the universally accepted standards. Based on the storage studies, the Naan packed in the low density polyethylene could be frozen stored at -10°C for 90 days without any significant changes in the quality characteristics.

Key words: Composite flour, Naan, Nutritional quality, Sorghum, Wheat

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* - Corresponding Author

Faculty of Agriculture, University of Ruhuna, Mapalana, Kamburupitiya, Sri Lanka

Copyright © 2007 by the Faculty of Agriculture, University of Ruhuna

Print ISSN 1391-3646 Online ISSN 2386-1533